Hold Middle Acupuncture
Tel: 212-744-0704 212-744-0710 66 East 80th St. 1a, NYC, 10075Hold Middle Acupuncture practices traditional Chinese style Acupuncture in New York City. As it is well known, Acupuncture has a very long history in China as well as other East Asian countries. Therefore, there are many practice styles. Thanks to extensive training of Chinese acupuncture skill, our acupuncturists specialize in using traditional Chinese acupuncture formulas, which emphasize in the self-adjustment of human bodies.
Being a medical acupuncture office, Hold Middle Acupuncture specializes in allergy, pain management, IBS, Premenstrual Syndrome, infertility, stress related symptoms, Bell's Palsy, and tinnitus. Besides, our acupuncturists are known for handling complex or previously treatment resistant cases. In fact, we have a long list of successful cases and already gained recognition from many specialists in nearby medical offices and hospitals of the Upper East Side.
Beyond being a regular Acupuncture office, Hold Middle Acupuncture strives to support researches of traditional Acupuncture in curing medical conditions incurable or unclear in the western medicine. For now, we focus on syndromes related to neurology and thus far gain significant results in healing Bell’s palsy, and Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL).