Our Acupuncturists

Tel: 212-744-0704 212-744-071066 East 80th St. 1a, NYC, 10075

Peini Ming, DAOM, L.Ac

Peini Ming, a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is a distinguished New York-licensed acupuncturist from Taiwan.

Specializing in Bell's palsy, facial rejuvenation, anxiety/depression, pain management, TMJ, and sinus issues, Dr. Ming is renowned for her remarkable outcomes in helping patients recovering from Bell's palsy, enhancing their natural beauty, promoting physical and mental harmony, and addressing various health concerns.

With customized acupuncture therapies to meet individual needs, Dr. Ming is deeply committed to personalized and empathetic care. By blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques, her acupuncture empowers patients to achieve optimal results. 

Shuang Huo, Acupuncturist

Shuang Huo, the founder of Hold Middle Acupuncture, graduated summa cum laude from the Acupuncture Department of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a globally leading academic institution of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. She is a licensed Acupuncturist both in New York State and New Jersey State. She is board certified in Oriental Medicine (both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology) from the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

Shuang has been practicing Acupuncture in Manhattan since 2005. Before coming to the upper east side, She had an office in 80 Central Park West, working with a gastroenterologist, where she had many patients with digestion disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndromes, Ulcerative Colitis, SIBO, Crohn's Disease and Celiac Disease. In 2013, Shuang moved her office to this location in the Upper East Side. She specializes in women's health (including regulating menstruation, dysmenorrhea, fertility help, postpartum help and perimenopause as well as menopausal symptoms), digestive disorders and Anxiety and Depression.

Shuang believes in building up long-term trust with patients and she is very focused on bringing patients comfort, relief and healing. In her personal life, she is a mother of two living in Westchester. She loves traveling and exercising.

Junmin Jin, Acupuncturist

With more than 30 years of clinical experience, Dr. Jin is known for successfully managing complex and previously treatment-resistant cases using traditional Chinese style Acupuncture. 

Dr. Jin earned his BA of Acupuncture from Zhejiang University of traditional Chinese medicine and MA of Acupuncture from Shanghai University of traditional Chinese medicine in 1980s. After graduation, he joined Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, which is one of  the leading TCM hospitals in China. In 2000, he was invited to work and teach in London, England, where he gained an enormous reputation. In 2010, Dr. Jin came to New York City and started his career here.

Dr. Jin specializes in pain management, women’s health (infertility, PMS),  depression, allergies ( including skin allergies ), Bell's Palsy, and stroke recovery. 

Dr. Jin is New York State Licensed acupuncturist.