FAQ Acupuncture

Tel: 212-744-0704212-744-071066 East 80th St,1a, NYC, 10075

The report released by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2002 confirmed, on the basis of controlled clinical trials, that acupuncture is an effective treatment for 72 illnesses. In 2005, NIH (National Institutes of Health) provided a long list of illness for which acupuncture is efficacious. The list ranges from pain to cancer related symptoms. Therefore it is worthwhile to consult an acupuncturist for your condition if conventional medical treatments are not working well.          

        According to Chinese medical theory, our body is an energetic, integrated system. Acupuncture, as a treatment, mobilizes the potential of your body and inner organs to overcome illnesses. The treatment is natural and totally chemical free. This is also the reason that the NIH consensus panel concluded that "adverse side effects of acupuncture are extremely low and often lower than conventional treatments." Acupuncture, therefore, can be considered extremely safe, and there is nothing to worry about before you testify its efficacy yourself.

    Below are some FAQs: 

    Acupuncture is a catalyst for healing the body.  This very ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been in practice and developed for more than 2000 years. According to Chinese Medicine theory, human beings have a natural flow of energy (also called chi or qi) throughout the body, which circulates in pathways, called meridians. Good health depends on the smooth flow of energy throughout these pathways, and pain and diseases are caused by an imbalance, deficiency, or blockage of this energy. An acupuncture treatment will strengthen the flow of chi or remove blockages in the meridians via the insertion of very thin, flexible and disposable needles, by which an acupuncture practitioner encourages the body’s natural capacity for self-healing. In turn, this improves the way the body functions. 

    A treatment begins with an interview to gather information about signs and symptoms and also includes pulse readings and examination of the tongue. Needles are then inserted based on a diagnosis within the framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The depth of insertion varies from a depth of just beneath the skin to about an inch, depending on various acupoints along the meridians as well as patient's size, age and constitution. As the acupuncture needles are inserted into the acupoints the patient may feel nothing, or a sensation of tingling, aching, warmth, or heaviness. Most people report no pain from the needles, just an odd or unusual physical sensation that is different but not unpleasant. Most people feel very relaxed and even fall asleep when left with the needles and wake up refreshed and relaxed.

    Most individual sessions last from 45 minutes to one hour, depending on the condition being treated as well as the patient's response to the acupuncture. Initial visits last longer. Typically the needles remain in place for twenty to forty minutes. 

    The number and frequency of treatments will vary with both the practitioner and the illness being addressed, but may range from a single session to several appointments a week, possibly over a period of several months. Acute conditions may respond with just a few treatments, while a chronic condition may require a longer series of treatments. Typically, acupuncture patients begin by receiving treatments twice a week. As a patient’s condition improves, treatments become less frequent until the patient is cured of their illness.

    There are a few Dos and Don’ts to follow before your acupuncture treatment: Don’t eat a heavy meal right before your appointment. However, Do make sure you have eaten a meal earlier in the day. Don’t drink anything that may color your tongue coating before your appointment, such as coffee, soda, or juice. Spicy foods will also change the tongue's color. However, Do stay hydrated by drinking water or tea, as neither of these affect the color of the tongue. Do try to come to the appointment in a relaxed state of mind so as to help your body accept the treatment to its fullest.

    Acupuncture treatment is safe. Unlike many drugs, Acupuncture is non-toxic and adverse reactions are minimal. According to the report of NIH (National Institutes of Health) consensus panel, "Adverse side effects of acupuncture are extremely low and often lower than conventional treatments."  In addition, Our center only uses Japan-made sterile, single-use-disposable needles to insure comfort and the best result.